If your job falls under one of the following occupation codes, you will need to meet different salary requirements for this visa:
- 1171: Health services and public health managers and directors
- 1231: Health care practice managers
- 1232: Residential, day and domiciliary care managers and proprietors
- 2113: Biochemists and biomedical scientists
- 2114: Physical scientists
- 3111: Laboratory technicians
- 3211: Dispensing opticians
- 3212: Pharmaceutical technicians
- 6135: Care workers and home carers
- 6136: Senior care workers
For all other eligible occupation codes, you must meet the salary requirements as outlined in the “Your job” section.
General Salary Requirements:
- You will generally need to be paid at least £29,000 per year, or the lower ‘going rate’ for your job, whichever is higher.
Example: If your salary is £30,000 but the lower going rate for your job is £33,000, you do not meet the salary requirement.
You can find the lower going rate for your job in the going rates table.
When a Lower Salary is Acceptable:
If your salary is lower than £29,000 or the lower going rate, you may still apply if your salary is between 70% and 90% of the going rate, provided you meet one of the following conditions:
- If you are under 26, studying, or a recent graduate, or in professional training.
- If you hold a relevant STEM PhD qualification, your salary must be at least £23,200. For a non-STEM PhD, the salary must be at least £26,100.
- If you have a postdoctoral position in a scientific role.
Note: You cannot get a discounted salary if your job is on the immigration salary list.
Immigration Salary List:
If your job is on the immigration salary list, the salary requirements are as follows:
- You must be paid at least £23,200 or your job’s full going rate, whichever is higher.
- View the immigration salary list to confirm how much you need to be paid.
Under 26, Studying, or Recent Graduate:
If you’re under 26, studying, or a recent graduate, you may qualify for a discounted salary of 70% of the lower going rate, provided your salary is at least £23,200 per year. You must also meet one of the following criteria:
- Under 26 at the time of application.
- Currently in the UK on a Student visa or recently graduated.
- Working towards a recognized qualification in a UK-regulated profession.
Your stay in the UK cannot exceed 4 years for this category, including any time on a Tier 2 (General) work visa.
PhD-Level Qualifications:
If you hold a relevant PhD-level qualification:
- You can be paid 80% of the lower going rate, provided your salary is at least £23,200.
- You can be paid 90% of the lower going rate, as long as your salary is at least £26,100.
You must have a UK PhD or an overseas qualification equivalent to a UK PhD, verified through Ecctis. Additionally, your employer must confirm that your qualification is relevant to the job.
View the list of jobs qualifying for the PhD salary discount to determine the specific salary requirements.
Postdoctoral Position in a Scientific Role:
If you hold a postdoctoral position in the following occupation codes, you may be paid 70% of the lower going rate, provided your salary is at least £23,200 per year:
- 2113: Biochemists and biomedical scientists
- 2114: Physical scientists
Your total stay in the UK cannot exceed 4 years if applying for a postdoctoral position at this salary rate, including any time spent on a Tier 2 (General) work visa.